The Planetary Meditation for Peace

How to do the Meditation when there is No Recording



Authority to Reprint

The Planetary Meditation for Peace (Meditation on Twin
is a very powerful tool in bringing about World
Peace … 

The Author hereby grants permission to all interested
chapter provided proper Acknowledgment is made.

(Signed) Choa Kok Sui

- Extracted and Modified from The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing, ©1992, by Master Choa Kok Sui, Pages 227-239


Let us Invoke for Divine Blessings

To the Supreme God, to the Divine Father, Divine Mother,
to my Spiritual Teacher, to all the Spiritual Teachers, to all the Holy Masters,
to all the Saints, all the Angels, Spiritual Helpers, and to all the Great Ones,
We Thank You for Your Blessings, for Your Guidance, Your Divine Love.
We Thank You for the Divine Sweetness, Illumination,
Divine Oneness, Divine Help, and Protection.
We Thank You in Full Faith.


Recall a Happy Event

Take your time. Recall a happy event.

Re-experience the exquisite feelings of Sweetness, of Tenderness and of Love. You are smiling, you are filled with Love and Happiness.

Gently and lovingly Smile at your Heart Energy Center.
Your Heart Energy Center is a being of Love.

Gently and lovingly Smile at your Heart.

Say words of Love and Sweetness to your Heart.
Wait for the response.

Can you feel your Heart Energy Center responding
with Love, with Joy and Bliss? The feeling is fantastic!

Recall another happy event.
Re-experience this happy event. Feel it.
Smile at your Crown Energy Center.
Your Crown Energy Center is a Being of Divine Love.
Say words of love to this Being of Divine Love.
Lovingly and gently Smile at your Crown Energy Center.
Wait for the response.

Can you feel your Crown Energy Center responding
with Divine Love and Divine Sweetness?

We are going to Bless the Earth with Loving Kindness.
Very gently touch your heart with your left hand.

Raise your hands at about chest level with your palms facing outward.

Silently repeat after me.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace.

Allow yourself to be a Channel for Divine Peace.

Feel the Inner Peace within you.

Bless the Earth with Peace.

Imagine there is a small Earth in front of you, the size of a small ball.
Feel the Inner Peace within you.
Radiate this Peace into the Earth.

Feel the Inner Peace within you.

Share it with the Earth in front of you.

Where there is hatred let me sow Love.

Feel the Love within you.

Feel the Sweetness within you.

Allow yourself to be a Channel for Divine Love and Divine Sweetness.

Bless the whole Earth, and every Person, every Being with Love and Sweetness.
Imagine pink light radiating from your Heart to your Hands to the Earth.

Where there is hatred let me sow Love.
(Allow yourself to be a channel for Divine Love) Where there is injury, Pardon.

Bless the Earth with the spirit of reconciliation; with the spirit of understanding, Harmony and Divine Peace.

Where there is despair, Hope; doubt, Faith.

Allow yourself to be a channel for Divine Hope and Divine Faith.
Bless the whole Earth with Hope and Faith.

Bless people who are having a difficult time.

Bless them with Hope and Faith.
Bless them with Divine Strength.

Tell them, "You can make it!
You are Blessed with Hope and with Faith."

Where there is darkness Light; sadness, Joy.

Bless the whole Earth with Light and Joy.

Especially people who are in pain, people who are sad,
people who are depressed;
Bless them with Divine Light and Divine Joy.
Be aware of your Crown. Silently follow me.

From the Heart of God,

Let the entire Earth be Blessed with Loving Kindness.

Allow yourself to be a channel for Divine Love and Divine Kindness.

Bless the Earth with Love and Kindness.

Imagine Golden Light radiating from your hands to the small earth in front of you.
From the Heart of God,

Let the entire Earth be Blessed with Great Joy and Happiness.

Feel the Divine Joy and Divine Happiness.

Allow yourself to be a Channel for Divine Joy and Happiness
and share this Divine Joy and Happiness with the entire Earth.

From the Heart of God

Let the entire Earth be Blessed

with Understanding, Harmony & Divine Peace;
with Goodwill and the Will to do Good.
Blessings be to All.

Be aware of your whole body.
(Exhale slowly.)

Be aware of your Heart and your Crown simultaneously.
(Take a deep breath. Inhale deeply. Hold your breath.)

Be aware of your whole body.
(Exhale slowly.)
Can you feel your whole body filled with Divine Love and Divine Bliss?

Imagine the small Earth in front of you.

Again, be aware of your Heart and your Crown.

(Silently repeat after me.)

From the Heart of God,
Let every Person, Every Being
Be Blessed with Divine Love,
Be Blessed with Kindness.

Feel the Kindness.

Feel the Divine Bliss, the Divine Sweetness, and share this with the whole Earth, with every person, every being.

Let the whole Earth, every person, every being
Be Blessed with Sweetness, with Divine Sweetness,
with Tenderness, with Warmness, with Caringness,
with Inner Healing, with Inner Beauty,

with Divine Bliss, & Divine Oneness with All.

(Gently put your hands down on your lap.)

Imagine a Golden Flame on your Crown.
Feel the quality of the Golden Flame.

Feel the Love, Peace and the Divine Bliss radiating from this Golden Flame. Feel the Divine Sweetness, the Divine Joy.
(Gently, Lovingly and Silently chant the mantra, OM.)

Be aware of the stillness and the interval between the two OM's.
Do this lovingly and with awareness.
Imagine the Golden Flame again.
(Silently chant the mantra, OM. Chant the mantra, OM twelve times.)

Be aware and let go.
(Gently and lovingly return to your body right now!)

Feel the bliss feel the Love, feel the Divine Sweetness.

(Slowly and gently move your fingers. We are going to release the excess Energy. Gently raise your hands again at the chest level with your palms facing outward.)

Imagine the small Earth in front of you.
(Silently say)

Let the entire Earth Bless with Divine Light, Divine Power.

Let the whole Earth, every Being be Blessed.

Let there be Peace, Harmony, Progress, Spirituality & Prosperity to All!
Blessings be to All!

Bless your country with Divine Light, Divine Power,

with Progress, Spirituality & Abundance.

Bless your City with Peace and Order, with Spirituality,
with Divine Love and with Prosperity.

Bless your Loved Ones, your Relatives, Associates & your Friends
with Divine Love, with Kindness

with Sweetness and with much Affection!

Blessings be to All!

(Gently put your arms down.)
We are going to release the excess energy by blessing Mother Earth.

Be aware of your feet and the base of your spine.
Imagine golden light going down, down down to the earth about three(3) meters or ten(10) feet deep.

Bless Mother Earth with Divine Light, Divine Love Divine Power.
Blessings be to Mother Earth!

Let Mother Earth be Blessed,
Let Mother Earth be Regenerated.

Blessings be to our Beloved Mother Earth!

Thanksgiving Invocation

To the Supreme God, we Thank You for this Great, Great Blessing!
To the Divine Father, Divine Mother,

We Thank You for the Divine Bliss and this Priceless Blessing!
To my Spiritual Teacher,
to all the Spiritual Teachers,

to all the Saints, Holy Angels, Spiritual Helpers,
especially to the Angels of Love and All the Great Ones,
Thank You for this Great Great Blessing!
Thank You for the experience of Love and Divine Bliss!
Thank You, in Full Faith!

- Extracted from the CD The Planetary Meditation for Peace, by Maha Atam Choa Kok Sui, Executive Producer and Voice Over Editing by Charlotte Anderson.


Authority to Reprint

The Planetary Meditation for Peace (Meditation on Twin
is a very powerful tool in bringing about World
Peace … 

The Author hereby grants permission to all interested
chapter provided proper Acknowledgment is made.

(Signed) Choa Kok Sui

- Extracted and Modified from The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing, ©1992, by Master Choa Kok Sui, Pages 227-239

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