Video Description

A Loving Atma Namaste!

This very special Video is one of the most beautiful Videos of our Beloved Guruji and 
The Planetary Meditation for Peace (also known as The Meditation on Twin Hearts or MTH).

On the day after His Birthday Celebration in Kolkata (16 August 2005) – 
one very dedicated family produced this Important and Loving Gift to Humanity.

The Video is a Heartfelt Expression of their deep Devotion to their Guruji.
It was also produced due to this family’s having Experienced the Transformational Effect 
of this Spiritual Practice - on each and every day of their lives.

Because of their deep-seated belief that this simple Meditation should be made publically available - 
For a number of years the Video was regularly aired on the television - until that station was sold.

At the end of the Video - Please Bless this Family …
that their Devotion to their Spiritual Teacher may be returned to them many many Times – 
as it is a priceless contribution to Humankind.

The Beautiful Production of this Meditation - is a Priceless Contribution to Humankind.

It is our Guruji’s Clear Intention - for this Meditation to bring about Inner Peace and World Peace … May His profound Desire for World Peace Be Manifested!

Please Bless this Family - that their Devotion to our Guruji and His Work may be returned to them many many times.
with Good Health, with Inner and Physical Healing, Material and Financial Abundance, Happiness and Great Great Success.

May the Entire World be resoundingly Blessed with World PeaceProgressUniversal LoveDivine Protection and Illumination. So Be It!

Infinite Loving Blessings to All

The PPM Audio Stream Team